Monday 10 July 2017

3 Weeks of Pregnancy

            A stranger can’t tell if you’re three weeks pregnant, but your body definitely will. This is the time when a tiny cluster of cells can make your hormones go crazy! Feelings of fatigue and excessive emotion are common, as is spotting and mild cramping. These early symptoms are usually result of ovulation and the embedding of the fertilized egg into your uterine lining.

            However, an influx of emotions and untimely spotting aren’t concrete evidence for pregnancy. Many women aren’t even aware they’re pregnant at the three-week mark! The best way to know if you’ve successfully conceived is by way of a pregnancy test. Only after placenta starts forming does the body begin to produce the hormone hCG (which is what tests look for). Another solid indicator of pregnancy is a missed period. Some of the more sensitive tests are even designed to give correct results before a missed period. Though, to be absolutely certain it’s best to take a test after you’ve missed a period.

3 weeks pregnant symptoms
            Now that it’s an inarguable fact that you’ve got a bun in the oven, it’s time to think about the upcoming months. An unimpaired diet is vital during a pregnancy because the fetus is an extension of your own body. Neglecting your nutrition can result in serious birth defects or even miscarriage. Avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, drugs of any kind, and excessive amounts of caffeine (over 200 mg) are good choices to make right off the bat. A diet consisting of lean protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid are vital to a healthy baby too. Speaking to a physician is most advised as they can prescribe prenatal vitamins, give expert recommendations, and knowingly check off any habits, foods, and medications that aren’t safe for the baby.

            Along with a nicely structured diet, moderate exercise is a step in the right direction as well. Swimming, walking, and light aerobics are the safest to take part in throughout your pregnancy; getting into the activities this early can give a routine to help ease the stress of the coming months.

            The idea of losing the baby is an entirely rational and realistic fear. Many soon-to-be mothers are exceptionally excited to share the news with family and friends, but it’s best to wait awhile. Most miscarriages happen in the first thirteen weeks of gestation and are devastating every time. Schedule an appointment with a gynecologist/obstetrician before and after an attempt at conception to help alleviate any worries you have.

            Biology aside, what’s incredibly important to your baby’s future and the future of your new family is speaking to your partner. As Elley C. puts in her article about this stage of pregnancy, this close communication is a “magical, intimate time with your partner”. After all, they had some hand in making this baby too!

            Being only three weeks into your pregnancy can seem insignificant in the grand scheme of nine months, but now is the time when your choices are in the spotlight. Make mindful decisions regarding yourself and start your little one’s life off right.